Thursday, December 13, 2012

OMSI Opportunity on Monday, 12/17

Lincoln students and their families have the opportunity to go to OMSI for free (w/ student ID) on Monday 12/17 from 6:00-8:00 pm.  There is a special exhibit called "Race:  Are We So Different?"  You can get extra credit for this class by writing a 1-2 page summary of what you see at the exhibit and what you think about it.   After you see the exhibit on race, go to the Turbine Hall and see the cool stuff they have on Physics!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Answers to Chapter 4 Worksheet and Chapter 4 Review Sheet

Chapter 4 Worksheet

1. a-f do in class
2. a) 23.8 N, b) 7.73 N
3. a) see in class b) 30.0 N left c) 330. N up d) 331 N at 84.8 degrees left and up from horizontal
4. 23. m/s^2
5. 1.4 m/s^2
6. 14 N
7. 2.1 kg
8. 37 N
9. Fa = 3.6 N, Fb = .4 N
10. 98.1 N
11. 51.0 kg, 112 lbs
12. mass stays the same, weight decreases
13. -4.2 m/s^2
14. 5 kg
15. a) 981 N, b) 640 N
16. 730 N
17. 3.73 m/s^2
18. 0.444
19. a) -.981 m/s^2 b) 29.4 m
20. 68 degrees 

Chapter 4 Review Sheet Answers:
1.  430 N
2.  20.0 kg
3.  52.0 kg
4.  477 N
5.  a)  57.9 N    b)  23.5 N    c)  3.9 N
6.  6786 N
7.  -1.48 m/s^2
8.  49 N
9.  250 N
10.  51 N
11.   a)  -.981 m/s^2    b)  98.5 m

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Week of 12/10-12/14

This week you have an inquiry lab (Air Resistance Lab) to complete and a test (Chapter 4) to take. 

  • Mon 12/10:  Check off problem #18 on Chapter 4 Worksheet.  Reminders about Air Resistance Inquiry Lab.  Work on Chapter 4 Review (answers to be posted later).  SPARK lecture on pediatric nephrology at 3:30 in room 169.  Bring in your Air Resistance Lab for peer editing tomorrow.
  • Tues/Wed 12/11-12/12:   Peer editing of Air Resistance Lab.  Go over Chapter 4 Review sheet.
  • Thurs/Fri 12/13-12/14:  Turn in Chapter 4 Review.  Take Chapter 4 Test.  Turn in Air Resistance Inquiry (make sure you get it in to me by 2:00 pm Friday!)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Week of 12/3-12/7

  • Mon 12/3:  Check off HW probs 10-17 (14 is extra) from Chapter 4 WS.  Slipping and Sliding Lab.  Explain and do it.  Lab due Thurs/Fri.  SPARK lecture on Engineering today at 3:30 in room 169.
  • Tues/Wed 12/4-12/5:  Go over 2nd part of Slipping and Sliding Lab.  Do Problems 18+19 on Chapter 4 WS for homework.  Introduce Air Resistance Lab and do pre-write.  (pre-write must be completed before you do this lab on Thurs/Fri).
  • Thurs/Fri 12/6-12/7:  Turn in Slipping and Sliding Lab if not already.  Do probs 18+19 of Ch 4 WS.  Get your pre-write for Air Resistance Inquiry checked off, then collect data.  Start processing data when finished.  Completed Lab Report due next Tues/Wed 12/11-12/12.  Hand out Chapter 4 Review.  Test next Thurs/Fri 12/13-12/14.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Week of 11/26-11/30

This week we are having FLEX schedules on Tuesday and Wednesday, so come in for test corrections on the Chapter 3 Test!

  • Mon 11/26:  More on forces and Newton's Laws.  Chapter 4 Problems 1-9 for Tues/Wed.
  • Tues/Wed 11/27-11/28:  Check off Problems 1-9.  Finish Newton's Laws.  Newton's Laws Lab.  Mass vs. Weight.  Problems 10-14 on Chapter 4 Problems for Thurs/Fri.
  • Thurs/Fri 11/29-11/30:  Check off 10-14 and go over.  Friction.  Slipping and Sliding Lab.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences: Please Read!!

As you know, Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences are coming up next Monday and Tuesday. I want you to know that I will not be there for the morning session on Tuesday because I will be meeting with the teachers of my own kids acrosss town. Generally that doesn't take the whole morning session and I arrive at Lincoln by 10:15 or so, but I definitely won't be there at the beginning. Thanks for your understanding. I look forward to meeting with many of you next week!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Week of 11/13-11/16

Quarter Grades are updated.  Check them and let me know on Tuesday if you have questions.
  • Tues/Wed 11/13-11/14:  Questions of Chapter 3 Review?  More on Forces.  Free-Body Diagrams.  Newton's 1st and 2nd Laws.  Homework:  Problems 1-3 on Chapter 4 Problems.
  • Thurs/Fri 11/15-11/16:  Turn in Chapter 3 Review.  Take Chapter 3 Test.  Check off Homework and go over.  Continue with Newton's Laws.  Problems 4-6 for next time.

Answers for Chapter 3 Review, Test on Th 11/15 (3rd) and Fri 11/16 (5th)

1.  13.0 blocks at 22.6 degrees S of E
2.  92 m
3.  13.5 m and 142.5 degrees (37.5)
4.  0.83 s
5.  226 m
6.  b)  361 km/h    c)  1.6 degrees S of E
8.  (yes, I skipped 7, I'm not sure why....)
a)  vy = 130 m/s, vx = 96 m/s
b)  190 m (x), 240 m (y)
c)  vx = 96 m/s, vy = 110 m/s
d)  150 m/s at 49 degrees above horizontal
e)  13 seconds
f)  2500 m!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Week of 11/5-11/9: End of the Quarter.

SPARK Lecture on the history of radiation treatment.  Monday 11/5 at 3:30 in room 169.  Get there early!  Doors will be closed when the room is full.

  • Mon/Tues 11/5-11/6:  Check off Problems 10-16 and go over.  Go over Rocket Lab and hand out Chapter 3 Review.  Finish Rocket Lab and turn in.  Work on Chapter 3 Review.
  • Wed/Thurs 11/7-11/8:  Deadline for late work and extra credit.  Go over Chapter 3 Review.  Start Forces up to Newton's Laws.  Chapter 3 Test will be next Tues/Wed.
Enjoy your 4-day week-end!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Rocket Lab

Here is the data for both classes.  You will notice that there are 2 trials recorded for each angle.

3rd Period

Angle (degrees)Distance (yds)
15.0                 20.5, 28.0
20.0                 27.3, 26.2
25.0                 29.8, 30.5
30.0                 38.0, 33.1
40.0                 37.0, 42.0
45.0                 38.3, 24.6

For the write-up (due in class on Mon/Tues 11/5-11/6, although you will have some time to finish it then).

1)  Neat data table with title, labels, and units
2)  Calculate distance in meters (1 yd = 0.9144 meters)
3)  Calculate initial speeds (1 per angle)
4)  Calculate height (1 per angle)
5)  Calculate time in air (1 per angle)
6)  Show work for 1 example calculation of each type.

5th Period Data

Angle (degrees) Distance (yds)
15.0                  26.2, 24.5
20.0                  27.1, 26.8
25.0                  32.5, 36.5
30.0                  36.2, 30.2
35.0                  28.3, 29.5
40.0                  31.8, 28.5
45.0                  36.9, 41.2

For the write-up (due in class on Mon/Tues 11/5-11/6, although you will have some time to finish it then).

1)  Neat data table with title, labels, and units
2)  Calculate distance in meters (1 yd = 0.9144 meters)
3)  Calculate initial speeds (1 per angle)
4)  Calculate height (1 per angle)
5)  Calculate time in air (1 per angle)
6)  Show work for 1 example calculation of each type.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Week of 10/29-11/2

  • Mon 10/29:  Check off Projectile Problems 1-7 (8+9 extra credit) and go over.  Projectiles launched at an angle.  Problems 10-12 on Projectile Worksheet.
  • Tues/Wed 10/30-10/31:  Range Equation.  Rocket Lab.  Calculate initial velocity of the rocket, time in the air, and height for 4 different angles.  Problems 10-15 on Projectile Worksheet for Thurs/Fri.  "Brick or Treat" lab. 
  • Thurs/Fri 11/1-11/2: Turn in Rocket Lab.   Check off second side of Projectile Worksheet and go over.  Hand out Chapter 3 Review.   Chapter 3 Test next Wed/Thurs.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Vector Worksheet Answers

These are the final answers.  All of these (especially the problems on the back of the worksheet) can be greatly influenced by one incorrectly converted angle or a calculator that is in radians instead of degrees.  Come in and check with me if you are having trouble getting these answers and I should be able to help you figure out where you went wrong.  Also, remember that slight variations in answers may occur if you round as you go.  

1.  12 km at 31 degrees W of  N
2.  31 km/h at 15 degrees E of S
3.  412.3 N at 14.04 degrees North of Down
4.  x = 9.06 m/s, y = 4.23 m/s
5.  x = 35.1 m, y = 71.9 m
6.  x = 86.9 m, y = -23.3 m
7. x = 0, y= 5m
8.  8.94 km at 19.1 degrees S of W (3rd Quad)
9.  563 km/h at 1.64 degrees S of W (3rd Quad)
10.  16.4 km at 61.9 degrees N of E (1st Quad)
11.  19.7 m/s at 68.3 degrees S of E (4th Quad)
12.  32.0 N at 2.47 degrees N of E (1st Quad)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Week of 10/22-10/26

Monday 10/22:  Questions on Vector Worksheet?  Turn in tomorrow.   Introduce Navigation Maps.  Get data from map and start adding vectors.
Tues/Wed 10/23-10/24:  Turn in Vector Worksheet.  Finish Navigation Activity.  Horizontal Projectiles.  Quarter Quick Lab.  First 6 Problems on Projectile Worksheet.
Thurs/Fri 10/25-10/26:  Turn in Navigation Activity if not already.  Finish Quarter Quick Lab and turn in if not already. Horizontal Projectiles:  Problems 1-7 on Projectile Worksheet.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Week of 10/15-10/19

  • Mon/Tues 10/15-10/16 (remember that these are regular block days).  Last minute questions?  Turn in Chapter 2 Review?  Take Chapter 2 Test.  Pick up Vector Worksheet and do 1st side.
  • Wed 10/17:  Test Day.  20 minutes classes.  Learn how to add vectors that are not perpendicular and work on 2nd side of worksheet.  (5th period finishes Reaction Time Lab and turns in)
  • Thurs/Fri 10/18-10/19:   Work more on adding vectors:  2nd side of Vector Worksheet due Mon 10/25.  Navigation Activity.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Answers to Chapter 2 Problems and Chapter 2 Review

Answers to Chapter 2 Problems

1.  0.98 m/s    2.  12.5 km/hr     3.  1.2 m/s     4.  50,000 yrs    5.  9.15 football fields    6.  a)  490 km   b)  78 km/h    7.  7200 m    8.  8.20 m/s^2    9.  4.0 s   10.  3.44 m/s   11.  a)  north   b)  7.1 m/s    12.  4.5 m   13.  a)  1.6 m/s^2   b)  20.0 m   14.  a)  170 cm/s^2   b)  .15 s  15.  -.69 m/s^2    16.  97.1 m/s   17.  -91.5 m/s   18.  1.11 s   19.  0.47 s   20.  1.7 s   21.  0.40 s   22.  13.2 m/s

Answers to Chapter 2 Review (test on Mon 10/15 (3rd Period) or Tues 10/16 (5th Period)):

1.  0.0802 km    2.  70.0 km/h     3.  11.4 s     4.  89.3 m    5.  -15.2 m/s    6.  -60.1 m  7.  -1.5 m/s^2  8.  a)  5.3 m/s   b)  233 m   9+10.  we will go over in class

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Week of 10/8-10/11

Remember that we have no school on Friday, so we will skip Full 8 on Monday and do only Full Blocks all week.

Mon/Tues 10/8-10/9:  3rd Period:  Coffee Filter Lab and Reaction Time Lab.  Finish Problems 17-21 for Wed.  5th Period: Turn in Coffee Filter Lab.  Free-fall equations.  Work on Problems 17-21 for Thursday.  Reaction Time Lab.
Wed/Thurs 10/10-10/11:  Turn in Coffee Filter Lab (5th).  Check off HW 17-21 (22 extra) and go over.  Finish Reaction Time Lab and turn in.   Hand out Chapter 2 Review and work on Problems.
Chapter 2 Test next Monday/Tuesday 10/15-10/16.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Week of 10/1-10/5

Remember that if you scored less than a 34.5 on the 1st test, you can do test corrections, but they must be completed this week!  Come in during FLEX or arrange for a different time.
  • Mon 10/1:  Turn in your Motion Detector Lab if not already.  Please bring in your completed data table from the Cart Lab, including uncertainty.  Go to Computer Lab to make 3 graphs for the Cart Lab.  If time, write up the conclusion as well.  Lab due by 10/4-10/5, but will certainly be accepted earlier!
  • Tues/Wed 10/2-10/3:  Equations with constant acceleration.  Do problems 12-15 (16 ec)  on Chapter 2 Problems.  Start Free-Fall.  Demonstration with basketball. 
  • Thurs/Fri 10/4-10/5:  Turn in Cart Lab if not already.  Check off HW problems and go over.  Free-fall problem tips.  Do problems 17-21 (22 ec)  for Monday.  Coffee Filter Terminal Velocity Lab. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

SPARK Lecture on Monday! (extra credit available)

Dr. Linda Lester

Endocrinologist and Nutritionist.

Iodine deficiency, a world-wide health problem.
Monday, October 1st in 169 from 3:30-4:15. To get extra credit, fill out the speaker evaluation and submit to Meg Kilmer and write a summary of the presentation and your response to it. Please do not just hand in your notes.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Week of 9/24-9/28

  • Mon 9/24:  Check off homework problems 1-6 and go over.  Acceleration.  Do problems 8-11 for Tues/Wed.
  • Tues/Wed 9/25-9/26:  Check off Acceleration HW and go over.  Take data for Cart Lab and then process data.
  • Thurs/Fri 9/27-9/28:  More on Cart Lab:  Write-Up due next Tues/Wed.  Motion Detector Lab.  Go over equations for constant acceleration.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Answers to Practice Worksheet:

The best way to prepare for the test on Thurs/Fri is to go over the problems on this worksheet.  There will be several examples of each type on the test as well as a descriptive question about uncertainty.

1st Side:  1)  3    2)   3   3)  4      4)  3    5)   1    6)  4    7)  4    8)   8    9)  4    10)  10   11)  2.00   12)  15.6   13)  41100   14)  110   15)  794.2     16) 0.8    17)  710   18)  11.5 +- 0.8 s   19)  3.033 +- 0.149 g   20)  51.8 +- 5.5 cm  21)  190.0 +- 0.9 cm    22)  7.50 +- .10 kg   23)  6.75 +- 0.30 cm^2  24)  900 +- 160 m^3  25)  2.51 +- 0.07 g/mL   

2nd Side:   26)  1590000   27)  0.00470    28)  600,000,000    29)   0.00084312020  30)  9.890 x 10^-4  31)  8.76 x 10^5    32)  7.89 x 10^-1    33)  3.4 x 10^6  34)  6.1 x 10^7  35)  1.9 x 10^33  36)  3.7 x 10^0   37)  3.0 x 10^-3   38)  1800  39)  0.45    40)  47000   41)  13,500,000  42)  1.50 x 10^-8    43)  0.0210  44)  1.50 x 10^3   45)  4.5 x 10^8   46)  22.5  km  47)  11.3  L   48)  53 oz. 49)  24.1 cm

Saturday, September 15, 2012

First 2.5 Weeks of School

Sorry about the delay in getting this posted.  In the future I will try to post before the weeks start.  This is what we have done and what we have yet to do in the first 2.5 weeks of school.

  • Wed 9/5:  Meet and Greet.  Demonstrate Early Work.
  • Thurs/Fri 9/6-9/7:  Hand out Classroom Expectations and go over.  Hand out Safety and Academic Honesty Contracts, get signed by next week 9/13-9/14.  Measurement Lab.  Take careful measurements of the 6 quantities and write a paragraph for each describing sources of uncertainty and how the uncertainty can be reduced.
  • Mon 9/10:  Finish Measurement Lab, which is due Tues/Wed.  Calculate average and uncertainty on graphing data table.
  • Tues/Wed 9/11-9/12:  Turn in Measurement Lab.  Go over parts of a good graph.  Go to library to make 2 graphs using LoggerPro.  Turn in today or next period.  Counting signficant figures.  Do 1st 9 problems of Chapter 1 Worksheet.
  • Thurs/Fri 9/13-9/14:  Signed Safety and Academic Honesty Contracts due by today.  Turn in LoggerPro graphs if not already.  Go over computing with correct rounding, calculating uncertainty when calculating, and scientific notation.  Complete Chapter 1 Worksheet through scientific notation.
  • Mon 9/17:  Computing with scientific notation.  The metric system and conversions.  Finish Chapter 1 Worksheet before next class.
  • Tues/Wed 9/18-9/19:  Questions on conversions?  Check of Chapter 1 Worksheet and go over the answers.  Start motion (displacement, velocity, acceleration).  Short Chapter 1 Test on Thurs/Fri.
  • Thurs/Fri 9/20-9/21:  Short Chapter 1 Test.  Take velocity data and process. Go over problem-solving method and do problems 1-6 from Chapter 2 problems.  Problem #7 is extra credit.  Do the problems using the 5-step method and you can do them in your notebook.  I will check them off on Monday; you don't have to turn them in.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome to the 2012-2013 School Year!

This is where you will come to get important information about the class.  I regularly update this blog, so you can rely on it to be accurate MOST of the time.  You can get class worksheets, find useful links, determine due dates, and accomplish many of your classroom needs.  Feel free to e-mail me ( if you have any questions.  I usually respond the same day, although for you night owls who have questions at 11:30 pm...maybe not.  I'm looking forward to having you in my class this year and to getting the year and this website into full swing!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Answers to Final Review

1.  1.0 Nm
2.  1.1 kgm/s
3.  N/A
4.  5.76 s, f = .174 Hz
5.  28 Hz, 84 Hz, 140 Hz
6.  0.25 W,  relative intensity = 89 dB
7.  7.1 cm, real, inverted, larger
8.  33 degrees
9.  64 cm,
10.  6.6 x 10^-18 N
11.  Fnet1=-396 N, Fnet2 = +570 N, Fnet3 = -174 N

Extra Problems from class:  #1 = 6.3 rad/s,   #2 = 1.4 Nm

Sunday, June 3, 2012

End of the School Year!

  • Tues 5/29 : Last day with Seniors!  Static Electricity Lab.
  • Thurs 5/31:  Turn in Static Electricity Lab.  Coulomb's Law and some Coulomb's Law problems (see previous post)
  • Mon 6/4:  More on Coulomb's Law.  Drawing Electric Field lines.  Electric Potential Energy.  Hand out Review Packet and start reviewing for final.  Deadline for late work and extra credit is Friday, 6/8, although earlier is certainly better for knowing your end of semester grade!!
  • Wed 6/6:  Review for Final Exam.  Practice Problems. 
  • Friday 6/8 (short classes):  Turn in your final exam percentage weighting.  Last minute review.
Monday 6/11:  4th Period Final Exam 10:30-12:25
Wed 6/13:  6th Period Final Exam 10:30-12:25

Thursday, May 31, 2012

A few problems

Here are the problems we did in class today.  I will put a few more on here for Monday.  Use Coulomb's Law.
1.  A balloon rubbed against denim gains a charge of -8.0 μC.  What is the electric force between the balloon and the denim when the 2 are separated by 5.0 cm?
2.Two charges of +60.0 μC and +50.0 μC exert a repulsive force on each other of 175 N.  What is the distance between the two charges?
3.Two identical conducting spheres are placed with their centers 0.30 m apart.  One has a charge of 12 x 10-9C and the other has a charge of -18 x 10-9C.  A)  Find the electric force exerted on one sphere by the other.   B)  If the two spheres are connected by a conducting wire, after the charges have rearranged, find the electric force between the two spheres.

4.  Calculate the net electric force on each charge if the charges 
           are +3.0  μC, +4.0 μC, and -2.0 μC and the positions are at 0.0 cm, 3.0 cm, and 7.0 cm.

5.  Calculate the net electric force on each charge if the charges are -4.5 μC, +7.5 μC, and -6.0 μC.

6.  Draw the electric field lines around 2 point charges:  +2 and -3.

7.  Draw the electric field lines between two charged plates.  Show the direction a test charge (positive) would move in the field.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Nuclear Physics Review

1. a) How many protons and neutrons does Re-186 have? b)  List 2 other possible isotopes of it.

2.  How do nuclei hold together?  What are the 2 forces?  What role do neutrons have in holding nuclei together?

3.  Would the following isotopes be stable?  H-1, Ta-150, In-115, O-15?

4.  Calculate the binding energy of the following isotopes:   a)  N (14)   Atomic mass=14.003074    b)  Xe-131  Atomic Mass = 130.095069

5.  Write the alpha decay of  Th-232

6.  Write the beta decay (electron) of B-12 and the beta decay (positron) of Pb-208

Monday, May 14, 2012


Extra Credit Lecture at the Arlene Schnitzer Hall on Thursday 5/17 at 7:00 pm.  John Cacioppo will talk about "Human Nature's Social Brain."  On Monday, June 4th, our last SPARK lecture will feature Lincoln's own Ms. Wadkins talking about Binary Eclipsing Stars.

  • Mon 5/14:  Do planning/research for Astronomy Projects.  Short nuclear physics quiz on Friday.
  • Wed 5/16:  2 Astronomy Presentations.  Review nuclear physics.
  • Fri 5/18:  Nuclear Physics Quiz.  2 Astronomy Presentations.
  • Tues 5/22:  3 Astronomy Presentations.
  • Thurs 5/24:  2 Astronomy Presentations.  Astronomy Test based on all of the presentations.  Test will include 9 multiple choice questions and you will choose 5 out of 9 short answers.  (You may use notes that you took during the presentation, but that is all).

Sunday, April 29, 2012


  • Mon 4/30:  Questions on review?  Turn in 14+15 Review.  Take 14+15 Review.  When done, start Nuclear Physics (Chapter 25). 
  • Wed 5/2:  More on Nuclear Physics:  nuclear stability and binding energy.  Binding energy problems.  Start working on Astronomy Project.
  • Fri 5/4:  Check off binding energy problems.  Nuclear decay and half-life.  Work on problems.  Group time on projects.
  • Tues 5/8:  Check off problems.  Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.  Fundamental forces and classification of particles.  Prepare for Libary Research on Thursday.
  • Thur 5/10:  Library Research for Astronomy Project.  This is our main day for research, so get as much done as possible.  By the end of the period, you will hopefully have your resources selected and citations written down, a summary of what you want to cover, and a strong idea of your visual aide.  We will begin presenting next week on Wednesday 5/16.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

14+15 Test on Monday 4/30!

Come in on Monday prepared to ask questions and take the test.  The 14+15 Review sheet is due before the test as usual.  Here are numeric answers for the test:

1.  f = 28 cm,  M = -.48, small, real, inverted
2.  q = 11.3 cm (use substitution to get rid of one of the variables, p or q)

3.  concave mirror, M = - 20.0, larger, real, inverted
4.  q = 170 cm, M = -2.7, h' = 22 cm
5.  f = 200. cm, M = 1.25, larger, upright, virtual
6.  23 degrees

7.  critical angle is 37 degrees, so refracted

(p.s. For students in 4th period, the answer to #20 on the 14+15 problems is 48 cm.  We will go over this on Monday 4/30).

Make sure that you know how to use ray diagrams to locate an image.  You will be required to do one, although you can choose a lens problem or a mirror problem.  Make sure that you can show the refraction of light through a substance.

Enjoy your week-end and start thinking about that Astronomy Project!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Beginning of 4th Quarter

    • Mon 4/16:  Hand-out 4th Quarter "Deal".  Review ray diagrams.  Notes on Colors and Snell's Law.  Work on Problems 1-11 on Chapters 14+15 Worksheet.
    • Wed 4/18:  Check off problems 1-11 and go over.  Take data for Snell's Law Lab.
    • Fri 4/20:  Critical Angle problems and Lenses.  Work on problems 12-20 on worksheet, due Tuesday.  Go to library and make graph for Snell's Law Lab.  Lab due on Tuesday (should include neat and well-labeled data table, graph, calculations (percent error for water), and conclusion.
    • Tues 4/24:  Hand in Snell's Law Lab.  Check off problems 12-20 (21 extra credit) and go over.  Hand-out 14+15 Review.
    • Thurs 4/26:  Go over 14+15 Review.  Introduce Astronomy Project.  14+15 Test on Monday 4/30.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Late Work/Extra Credit Deadline tomorrow (4/9) by 3:30 pm! Musical Instruments Too!

I have just finished entering the grades for your Spring Inquiry Labs and your 12+13 Tests.  The only remaining assignment for the Quarter is the Musical Instrument Project.  I can't wait to see what you bring in tomorrow!  Don't let some of the amazing instruments from last week discourage you.  Those were some of the best instruments I have seen in 10 years of doing this project.  And remember that the write-up is just as important as the actual instrument.  Check your grade on Edbox and see if you have any questions.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

End of the Quarter

We are nearing the end of the 3rd Quarter!  Make sure that you look up your grades on Edbox and see if you are missing anything.  The deadline for Late Work and Extra Credit is Monday 4/9 by 3:30 pm.

Tues 4/3:  Go over 12+13 Review Problems (see answers in previous post).  Jeopardy Review.  Work on Instrument Project. 
Thurs 4/5:  Demonstrate Musical Instruments.  Turn in 12+13 Review.  Take 12+13 Test.  Turn in Musical Instrument Write-Up.
Mon 4/9:  Deadline for Late Work and Extra Credit is today by 3:30 pm.  Electromagnetic radiation and EM spectrum.  Reflection and mirrors. 
Wed 4/11:  Mirror Equation.  Lenses and lens lab.  Lens equations.
Friday 4/13:  Teacher Work Day.  No School.

Answers to 12+13 Review Sheet (for test on Thursday 4/5)

1.  0.0055 m
2.  4 nodes (we'll draw in class)
3.  1/9
4.  0.25 W
5.  180 Hz, 540 Hz, 900 Hz
6.  100
7.  5.01 W/m^2
8.  0.20 s
9.  285!
10.  3000 Hz (2 sig figs)
11.  4.0 Hz
12.  27.9 N
13.  4.07 s
14.  17.5 m/s^2
15.  105

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 7-March 23

  • Wed 3/7:  Introduce types of waves.  Start Ripple Tank Lab.
  • Fri 3/9:  Color-mark 2nd draft of Spring Lab.  Finish Ripple Tank Lab.
  • Tue 3/13:  Wave properties.  Sound properties.  Start problems.  Really finish the Ripple Tank Lab.   Final Draft of Spring Lab due Thursday.
  • Thur 3/15:  Turn in Final Draft of Spring Lab and Color-Marked version.  The Doppler Effect and Sonic Booms.  Resonance.  Tacoma Narrows Bridge.  More problems (7-13).
  • Mon 3/19:  Resonance.  Tacoma Narrows Bridge.  Harmonics.  Speed of Sound Lab.  Harmonics problems.
  • Wed 3/21:  Computer Sound Lab.  Musical Instrument Project.  Simple Harmonic Motion.  Spring and Pendulum problems.
  • Fri 3/23:  Check off problems.  12+13 Review.  Musical Instrument due on Tues 4/3 or Thurs 4/5.  12+13 Test on Thursday 4/5.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Computer Lab Graphing for Pendulum Lab

Before you begin, you should calculate the averages and uncertainties for all of your trials for period.  In addition, you should divide by the number of swings so that your average periods are for just one swing.

Make 2 graphs:  one of Period vs. Mass and another of Period vs. String Length. Besides all of the usual components of a good graph, include uncertainties in your graphs, draw a line of best fit (unclick "connect points"), and include an annotation. 

Finally, look at the String Length Graph and determine the shape of the line.  If it looks like a straight line, you may simply find the slope of the line.  If it looks like an exponential (x squared), square the lengths of the string and enter those as an additional column in your data table.  If it looks like 1/x, calculate 1/length for your 5 lengths and enter that in an additional column.  Whatever the function, do that function to the length data and enter it as an additional column.

Now make a 3rd graph that plots period vs. the modified data (the additional column).  If you picked the correct function, this technique should "straighten out" the line and you can find the slope of that new line.  You will now be able to write a "master equation" for the period of the pendulum.  For example if your original length data looked like an x squared function and the slope of your 3rd graph is 7.14, your master equation will look like this:   T  =  7.14 L^2 (only string length is squared).  Finally, you can check your "master equation" to make sure that it actually works for your data for period and string length.  Good luck!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Answers to 7+8 Review for test on Friday 2/24

 15.  9500 N     16.  1.0 Nm     17.  0.30 m       18.  0.44 m       19.  18 kg m^2       20.  0.25 kg m^2/s      21.  25 kgm^2/s     22.  1.9 rad/s

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


  • Wed 2/22:  Hand-out 7+8 Review and work on it.  Introduce Machine Project and work on it.
  • Friday 2/24:  Demonstrate Machines.  Turn in 7+8 Review.  Take 7+8 Test.
  • Tuesday 2/28:  Introduce Simple Harmonic Motion.  Pendulum Lab.
  • Thursday 3/1:  Computer Lab to do Pendulum Graphs.  Introduce Spring Inquiry Lab.  Write problem statement, background, hypothesis, variables, procedure.
  • Monday 3/5:  Take data for Spring Inquiry and process data.  Bring in full write-up to be color-marked on Friday 3/9.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Rolling Balls Lab Write-Up

This is what you need for the Rolling Balls Lab, due Wednesday 2/22:
1)  Neat well-labeled data table with units (you may include calculated values)  Make sure that you include all 5 trials and the average for each object
2)  Calculations:  Final Velocity, Final Angular Speed, Potential Energy, Translational KE, Rotational KE.  All values should be calculated for each object, but you only need to show a sample calculation for each type once
3)  Check conservation of energy.  For each object, complete the equation:  mgh = 1/2 mv^2 + 1/2Iw^2
4)  Answer Questions A, B, C, D.  Make sure that you use data to back yourself up!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 6-February 17

Can you believe it is the beginning of the 2nd semester?   For all of you, that means a fresh start.  2nd semester is generally easier than 1st semester conceptually, but you will still need to do the homework and labs to be successful.  If you find yourself struggling, ask for help early and come in for FLEX if needed.   Check the website and get caught up ASAP if you are absent. 

Mon 2/6:  Hand Back Final Exams, Look at them, and Recollect.  2nd semester survey.  Circular Motion Lab.
Wed 2/8:  Turn in Circular Motion Lab.  Centripetal Force Problems.  Torque Lab.
Fri  2/10:  Check off Centripetal Force Problems.  Torque Problems.  Momentum of Inertia and Newton's 2nd Law for Angular Motion.
Tues 2/14:  Check off Newton's 2nd Law Problems and go over.  Conservation of Angular Momentum.  Video clips.  Turn table demonstration.  Problems.
Thurs 2/16:  Check off Angular Momentum Problems and go over.  Conservation of Energy.  Rolling Balls Lab.  Simple Machines.
Fri 2/17:  Senior Seminar Day.  Short classes.  Simple Machine Project.
Mon 2/20:  No School.  President's Day!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Final Exam Guidelines

4th Period's Final will be Tuesday, January 31st from 10:30-12:25 and 6th Period's Final will be Thursday, February 2nd from 10:30-12:25.

What You Need for the Final in This Class:
1) Pencils
2) Notebook Paper
3) A Scientific Calculator (I cannot provide these)
4) 4" x 6" note card hand-written by you (must be turned in at the end of the test)
5) Something to do quietly when you are done with the test

Other Rules:
1) You must finish the test in the time allotted, although I do allow students to stay a short time into the break if they have been working steadily. Students with 504 plans or IEP's can get more time if their plan allows.
2) No trips to the restroom before you have turned in the test. Afterwards, one student at a time may go.
3) Absolutely no cell phones out.
4) Remember that any form of cheating, whether you are looking at another person's test or assisting another student, will result in a 0% on the test. Don't let that happen to you! It just isn't worth it.

Finally, remember to be well-rested, eat a good breakfast, and try to relax. If you run into a question that is stressing you out, move on, and come back to it later. Check your test over before you turn it in to look for careless mistakes or questions you may have forgotten to answer.  Also, remember that all numerical answers should have units and should be within 1 digit of correct significant figures.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Anwers to Semester Review

1)  18000m, 0.0000000034, 0.0000042
2)  4.0 x 10^13
3)  3, 2, 6, 3
4)  500, 18, 45.92
5)  33 m/s, 144 m
6)  9.90 m/s, 1.01 s

Chapters 3+4
1)  8.1 km at 30. degrees S of E
2)  34.6 m, 20.0 m
3)  116 m at 56.0 degrees S of E
4)  1.58 s, 45.8 m
5)  478 N
6)  0.231

Chapters 5+6
1)  22.2 m/s
2)  12 J
3)  10. m/s

Chapter 7
1)  2.75 rads
2)  15.8 rads/s
3)  6.28 m/s

Thursday, January 19, 2012

5+6 Review Answers for the Test on Monday 1/23

  1. 35 J
  2. 4820 J
  3. a)  18.4 J    b)  -10.2 J   c)  8.2 J    d)  1.81 m/s
  4. 3700 J
  5. -54 m/s
  6. 560 W
  7. 36 m/s west
  8. 2.6 kg m/s
  9. -390 N, 0.13 m
  10. -0.60 m/s
  11. 10. m/s
  12. 8.0 kg, 4.5 m/s

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 17-February 3

We are now heading into the last 2 weeks before final exams. Make sure that you check your grade and look for missing assignments. The deadline for late work and extra credit is Friday, January 27th by 3:30 pm.

  • Tues 1/17:  Finish Ballistic Pendulum Lab.  Start Chapter 7:  radians.  Reminder about Physics in Motion Project guidelines.  Project due this Thursday!
  • Thurs 1/19:   Set up Physics in Motion Projects in the back of the room and do a gallery evaluation of 4 posters, including your own.  Go over 5+6 Review.  Chapter 5+6 Test on Monday 1/23.
  • Mon 1/23:  Turn in 5+6 Review.  Take 5+6 Test.  Simple rotational motion equations.  Hand out Semester Review Packet.
  • Wed 1/25:  Check off radian problems and go over.  Go over Chapters 1-3 of Review Packet.  Guidelines for Semester Final Exam.
  • Fri 1/27:  Late work and extra credit deadline is today by 3:30 pm!!  Finish going over Review Packet.  Jeopardy Review. 
  • Mon 1/30:  We see all classes today for short class periods.  Last minute questions.  Go over end of semester calculations.
  • Tues 1/31:  Finals in Periods 1, 4, and 7.
  • Wed 2/1:  Finals in Periods 2, 5, and 8.
  • Thurs 2/2:  Finals in Periods 3 and 6.
  • Fri 2/3:  Teacher Work Day.  No School.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Egg Drop Time!!

On Friday, January 6, we will be doing an Egg Drop Contest.  The only exception will be if there is some serious rainy/windy weather going on.  You may work in groups of 1-3.  We will drop the contraptions from the back of the Lincoln stadium, which is a fairly big fall.

There will be 2 categories that you can compete in:

Open:  anything goes, but don't use food, explosives, or anything that will make a mess.  You will be responsible for any mess made.

Limited Materials:  you may use up to 20 straws, 1 meter of clear or masking tape, and string (amount not specified).  This may not sound like much, but you can do some very good designs with a handful of straws.  See what you can come up with!

As a class, we will vote on the winner in each category.

The Write-Up: (only 1 needed per group):
1)  A well-labeled diagram including measurements (do this before you drop it as it may be destroyed!)
2)  Description of 3 physics principles involved (at least 2 sentences explanation for each)
3)  What you would do differently next time
*Note, you will not be graded on whether or not your egg survives.  I want you to have fun, challenge the laws of physics, and make the most efficient/interesting design you can come up with.

Preferably turn in by the end of class Friday, but if time is limited, I will accept on Tuesday of next week.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 4-January 13, 2012.

Welcome to the New Year!  I hope that you had a relaxing Winter Break.  I know that I sure did.  We will be busy this January as we wrap up the first semester!  Remember that your Physics in Motion Project is due Thursday, January 19th.

  • Wed 1/4:  Check off Power Problems.  Impulse-Momentum Theorem and all of its applications.  Introduce Egg-Drop Contest.  Make up rules and start planning.
  • Fri 1/6:  Build Egg-Drop contraptions and do drop.  Egg-Drop write-up due by the end of the period (should include well-labeled diagram, description of 3 concepts involved, and what you would change).  If time, more on momentum.  Problems 1-8 on Chapter 6 Problems (#8 is extra credit)
  • Tues 1/10:  Check off Problems and go over.  Conservation of Momentum.  Problems 9-17 of worksheet (17 is extra). 
  • Thurs 1/12:  Ballistic-Pendulum Lab.  Each group takes data and then each individual completes calculations.  Check off problems 9-17 and go over.
Physics in Motion Project due Next Thursday!
No School on Monday 1/16 due to Martin Luther King Day.