Monday, January 28, 2013

Final Exam Guidelines

1.Bring pencils, paper, calculator, and something to do quietly when you are done.  For this class you may also use a 4" x 6" (max size) note card with notes on both sides.  Remember that it needs to be hand-written and will be collected at the end of the test.
2.Go to restroom BEFORE the test!  No bathroom passes until after you are done, and then 1 at a time
3.NO CELL PHONES OUT PERIOD!!  Bring something else to do.
4.No talking until EVERYONE is finished.  This is basic courtesy to your classmates.
5.Cheating on any part of the test will result in a zero.  Don’t do it!

Finally, get enough rest, eat healthy food, and try not to stress too much about the test.  You will be okay!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Answers to Final Review

Chapters 1 and 2:
1.  18,000 m, 0.0000000034 kg, 0.0000042 s
2.  4.0 x 10^13
3.  3, 2, 6, 3
4.  500, 18, 45.92
5.  33 m/s, 144m
6.  9.90 m/s, 1.01 s

Chapters 3+4
1.  8.1 km at 30. degrees S of E
2.  20.0 m
3. 116 m at 56.0 degrees S of E
4.  1.58 s, 45.8 m
5. 478 N
6. 0.231

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Answers to 5+6 Review (for test on Thurs/Fri 1/24-1/25)

1.  35 J (or 40 2/ sig figs)
2.  4820 J
3.  3700 J
4.  -.196 J (the negative is debatable)
5.  -54 m/s
6.  560 W
7.  36 m/s west
8.  2.6 kg m/s
9.  -390 N, 0.13 meters

Sunday, January 13, 2013

1/14-2/1 (End of Semester)

We're getting down to the end of the semester!  This week we will do our Egg Drop and the next week we will take a short test on Chapter 5 and some of Chapter 6.  You will get a semester review this week to help you get ready for the final exam.  Finally, all late work and extra credit is due by Friday, January 25th.

  • Mon 1/14:  Check off problems 17-19 and go over.  Physics power.  Do problems 20-23 for Tues/Wed.
  • Tues/Wed 1/15-1/16:  Check off 20-23 and go over.  Impulse-Momentum Theorem and examples.  What is the significance of the yellow line at the front of a Tri-Met bus?  Do problems 1-7 on Chapter 6 worksheet.  Introduce Egg Drop Contest and do some preliminary work.
  • Thurs/Fri 1/17-1/18:  Check off problems.   30 minutes for work on Egg Drop, then go outside and drop them, and turn in Write-Up (to be described in future post).  Hand out 5+6 Review and Semester Review.
  • Mon 1/21:  Martin Luther King Day Holiday.
  • Tues/Wed 1/22-1/23:  Turn in Egg Drop Write-Up if not already.  Go over Chapter 5 and some 6.  Start going over Semester Review.  Short 5+6 Test on Thurs/Fri.
  • Thurs/Fri 1/24-1/25:  Turn in 5+6 Review.  Take 5+6 Short Test.   Go over Semester Review Problems.
  • Fri 1/25:  Deadline for late work and extra credit!!
  • Mon 1/28:  Full 8 Day.  Last minute questions on Final Exam.  How to calculate your goal percentage on Final Exam.
  • Tues-Thurs 1/29-1/31:  Final Exams!
  • Friday 2/1:  No School.  Teacher Work Day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Quick Lab: Is Energy Conserved? Due Thur/Fri 1/10-1/11 (can turn in Mon 1/14 on time)

Drop 2 different masses (coins) from 2 different heights and determine if energy is conserved. (that makes 4 conditions total)

1.  Make a neat, labeled data table: What do you need on it?
2.  Collect data (5 trials each:  then calculate average and uncertainty for trials)

3.  Do calculations: Vf, Pei, KEf (show work for 1 sample of each type)

4.  Is energy conserved?  Compare numbers directly and give reason for your answers.

5.  Discuss factors that contribute to uncertainty in data (solid paragraph).

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Week of 1/7-1/11

  • Mon 1/7/13:  Check off Problems 7-11 and go over.  Conservation of Mechanical Energy.  HW problems 12-16 for Tues/Wed, although you will get time to work on them.
  • Tues/Wed 1/8-1/9:  Questions on Homework?  Work time.  Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem.  Do problems 17-19.  Quick Lab:  Is Mechanical Energy Conserved?
  • Thurs/Fri 1/10-1/11:  Check off Probs 12-19 and go over.  Turn in Energy Conservation Quick Lab. What is Power?  Run the stairs and calculate your power.  HW probs 20-23.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! The Week of 1/2-1/4

  • Wed 1/2  (Full 8 Schedule):  Introduce the physics concept of work and how to apply it to problems. Do problems 1-5 on Work and Power problems for Thurs/Fri (#6 is extra credit).
  • Thur/Fri 1/3-1/4:  Check off problems and go over.  Introduce the concept of kinetic energy and potential energy.  Do problems 7-11 for Monday 1/7.