Monday, June 10, 2013

Answers to Final Review Packet (#14 corrected!)

1.  3.36 x 10^-8 N
2.  1.0 N m
3.  18.0 rad/s
4.  5.76 s, 0.174 Hz
5.  28 Hz, 85 Hz, 140 Hz
6.  0.25 W
7.  7.1 cm, larger, real, inverted
8.  33 degrees
9.  64 cm
10.  6.61 x 10^-14 N
11.  Draw field with twice as many lines towards -4 charge, lines go away from +2 and towards -4, although not all lines go from one to the other, some go from or towards "infinity"
12.  25 V
13.  9.0 ohms
14.  110 V
15.  175 ohms
16.  21 A
17.  6.4 ohms
18.  8.0 ohms

Sunday, June 9, 2013

End of the Year/Deadline for Late work/Extra Credit is Monday 6/10!

Can you believe it is already the end of the year!?  This week we will be taking the Final Exam.  It will cover our units on Rotational Motion (7+8), Waves and Sound (12+13), Light (14+15), and some Electrics.  I highly recommend that you do the practice problems to help get ready.  Some details about the final:

1) On Thurs 6/13 at 10:30-12:30 for 5th period and Fri 6/14 8:10-10:10 for 3rd period
2) A combination of Multiple Choice, Problems (show work, include units, and sig figs), and short answers
3)  You may use a 4" x 6" (or smaller) note card written on both sides.  Go through the review packet to help determine what you need to know.
4)  You must finish in the time allotted unless you have an IEP/504 plan that gives you extended time
5)  Cheating will result in a 0 for the final exam (not partial credit).  Don't do it!
6)  Exam will count as 20% of the semester grade

Monday, May 20, 2013


  • Mon 5/13:  Static Electricity Lab:  1st Half.
  • Tues/Wed 5/14-5/15:  Go over the difference between charging by conduction and charging by induction.  Finish Static Electricity Lab.  Turn in today or Thurs/Fri.  Take data for Equipotential Lab and photocopy the grid for your group members.  We will talk about what to do with this on Thurs/Fri.  
  • Thurs/Fri 5/16-5/17:  Turn in Static Electricity Lab if not already.  Discuss how to write up Equipotential Lab.  Completed grid and lab questions due by Monday.  Coulomb's Law: how to use it  and comparison to Universal Law of Gravitation.  Problems 1-7 on Coulomb's Law Problems due Tues/Wed.
  • Mon 5/20:  Turn in Equipotential Lab if not already.  Questions on Coulomb's Law Problems?  Go over an example of using Coulomb's Law with 3 charges and adding vectors.
  • Tues/Wed 5/21-5/22:  Check of Problems 1-7 and go over.  Example of vector addition in 2 dimensions.  Problems 8-10 due Thurs/Friday.   Practice drawing electric fields.  Research for Physics on the Edge Project.  
  • Thurs/Fri 5/23-5/24:  Check off problems 8-10 and go over.  Research for Physics on the Edge Project.  Make sure that you have your needed resources and that you have figured out what you will do for all of the parts, especially the visual aide (no cut-outs from the internet!!).  Physics on the Edge project due next Thursday/Friday.  We will start presentations on that day and finish the following Monday/Tuesday.
  • Monday 5/27:  Memorial Day.  No School.
  • Tues/Wed 5/28-5/29:  Electrical Resistance.  Ohm's Law.  Final touches on Physics on the Edge projects.  
  • Thurs/Fri 5/30-5/31:  Physics on the Edge Projects Due.  We will have presentations from half of the groups today and finish on Monday/Tuesday.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Answers to 14+15 Review for Test on Thursday/Friday 5/9-5/10

1.  7.1 x 10^-7 m
2 (1).  28.4 cm, smaller, real, inverted
3 (2).  11.3 cm
4 (3).  -20.0, real, inverted, larger
5 (6).  23 degrees
6 (4).  q = 170 cm, M=2.71 x 8.0 cm = 22 cm
7 (5).   f = 200 cm, larger, virtual, upright
8 (7).  critical angle = 37 degrees, so light is refracted
10.  wavelength change?  yes.  frequency change?  no
11-14  get these from your notes or the Physics Classroom website

*We realized during 5th period today that some students had a different version of this review sheet.  The numbers in parentheses up above indicate the problem number on this alternate review sheet.  As you can see, problem #1 was not on this review sheet, which is fine because this type of problem will not be on the test.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Snell's Law Lab is due Wednesday 5/1 (period 5) and Thursday 5/3 (period 3).  We are having a 14+15 Test on Thursday/Friday 5/9-5/10.  We are also starting a new project.

  • Mon 4/29:  Finish checking off 9-11 and go over.  Making graphs for Snell's Law Lab.
  • Tues/Wed 4/30-5/1:  Turn in Snell's Law Lab (period 5).  Check off problems 12-16 and go over.  Notes on diverging lenses and rainbows.  Problems 17-20 for Thurs/Fri.
  • Thurs/Fri 5/2-5/3:  Turn in Snell's Lab Lab (period 3).  Check off problems 17-20 and go over.  Corrective lenses and the human eye.  Hand out 14+15 Review and work on it.  Hand out Physics on the Edge Project.
  • Mon 5/6:  Go over 14+15 Review.  Questions on Controversy Project?
  • Tues/Wed 5/7-5/8:  Controversy Project Research.  Questions on 14+15 Review.
  • Thurs/Fri 5/9-5/10:  Turn in 14+15 Review.  Take 14+15 Test.  Start Static Electricity.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


3rd Quarter Grades Are Updated.  Check yours and see if you have any questions.  There is a SPARK lecture on Earthquakes on Monday 4/15.  Write ups for SPARK lectures are due by Friday of the week they are given and will now only be accepted through  

  • Mon 4/15:  Electromagnetic radiation.  Electromagnetic spectrum.  Reflection of light.  Start mirror equation.
  • Tues/Wed 4/16-4/17:   Law of Reflection.  Curved mirrors.  Ray diagrams for determining locations of images.  Mirror equation.  Problems 1-4 on 14+15 problem set.
  • Thurs/Fri 4/17-4/18:  Convex mirrors and the mirror equation.  Finish problems 5-8 on 14+15 problems.  Reflection and seeing colors.  Additive colors and subtractive colors.  Complementary colors.
  • Mon 4/22: Check off problems 1-8 on 14+15 problems and go over.   Light and refraction.  Drawing the refraction of light through a translucent substance.
  • Tues/Wed 4/23-4/24:  Snell's Law Lab.  Lab write-up due Tues/Wed 4/30-5/1.  Do problems 9-11 for Friday.
  • Thurs/Fri 4/25-4/26:  Check off 9-11 and go over.  Critical angle (work time on problems 12-14 for Monday).  Lenses.  Drawing ray diagrams and using lens equation.  Problems 15-20 on 14+15 WS for Tues/Wed.    Remember that the Snell's Law Lab is due Tues/Wed 4/30-5/1.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Answers to 12+13 Review Sheet (Test on Wed/Thurs 4/10-4/11)

Sorry about getting them up here so late!

1.  0.0055m
2.  4 nodes
3.  1/9
4.  0.25 W
5.  180 Hz, 540 Hz, 900 Hz
6.  100 dB
7.  5.01 W/m^2
8.  0.20 s
9.  70.1 Hz, so 285 harmonics
10.  3.0 x 10^3 Hz
11.  0.25 s, 4.0 Hz
12.  27.9 N
13.  4.07 s
14.  17.5 m/s^2
15.  T = 2.84 s, so 105 complete oscillations

Friday, April 5, 2013


  • Mon 4/1:  Check off problems 17-20 problems and go over.  Simple Harmonic Motion Problems.  Do 21-25 for Tues/Wed.
  • Tues/Wed 4/2-4/3:  Check off problems 21-25 and go over.  Take data for Speed O' Sound Lab in shifts.  When not taking data, do Slinky Demonstrations in the hall.  Hand out 12+13 Review Sheet.
  • Thurs/Fri 4/4-4/5:  Work Day!  Do write-up for Speed O' Sound Lab (neat data table, sample calculations, and conclusion).  Work on 12+13 Review.  Review concepts like speed of sound in different media, Doppler Effect, sonic boom, resonance, and sound graphs.  Next week you have your Musical Instrument Project and 12+13 Test on Wed/Thurs!!  Musical Instruments demonstrated on Mon/Tues get a bit of extra credit.
  • Mon/Tues 4/8-4/9:  Quick Jeopardy Review for 12+13 Test.   Demonstrate instruments early for some extra credit.  Go over answers to 12+13 Review.  
  • Wed/Thurs:  4/10-4/11:  Deadline for late work/extra credit for 3rd Quarter.  Demonstrate Musical Instruments.  Turn in instrument write-up.  Questions on 12+13 Review?  Turn in review and take test.  
  • Friday 4/12:  Teacher Work Day.  No School!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Happy Spring Break!

Many of you have already turned in your Spring Inquiry Lab through a hard copy or e-mail and through  Keep them coming in!  There are still many out there.   Also, remember that you can work on your Musical Instrument Project over break if you would like.  It will be due on Wed/Thurs, April 10-11, so if you don't come up with anything over break, you will still have 9-10 days to finish it when we get back.

Enjoy your time off!

Thursday, March 21, 2013 Information (updated, I had the wrong #!)

The class ID for this class is:  6240220 and the password is "newton".  If you don't have an account with, go to their site and click on "create account" and choose "Student".   If you already have an account, you just need to "Enroll in a Class" and give them the information for this class.

The lab is due before Spring Break.  Please turn in a hard copy with the color-marked version attached and a copy through

Sunday, March 17, 2013


There is a SPARK lecture on Monday 3/18 on Engineering.

  • Mon 3/18:  Check off wave problems 1-5 and go over.  Go over string tension equation and sound intensity.  Problems 7-15 due Thurs/Fri.  Spring Inquiry Final Draft due Tues/Wed.  Include color-marked draft with your final draft.
  • Tues/Wed 3/19-3/20:  Turn in Spring Inquiry final draft and color-marked draft.   Finish going over sound intensity.  Resonance and the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.  Work on problems.
  • Thurs/Fri 3/21-3/22:  Check off problems and go over.  Computer Sound Lab. Harmonics and harmonics equation.   Work on problems 17-20.  Hand-out Musical Instrument Project.   You may work on it over Spring Break if you have time, but it will not be due until the 2nd week after we come back (4/10-4/11).

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Physics in Motion Project due this week!

  • Mon 3/11:  Introduce waves.  What are you doing for the math problem in your Motion Project?  2nd Draft (preferably typed) of Spring Inquiry due Tues/Wed for peer review.
  • Tues/Wed 3/12-3/13:  Exchange Spring inquiry labs and color-mark.  More on waves, including wave equation.  Do problems 1-6 for Thurs/Fri.  Time to assemble/work on Physics in Motion Project posters.
  • Thurs/Fri 3/14-3/15:  10 minutes to get Physics in Motion Posters finished up.  Gallery walk to read and evaluate Physics in Motion posters.  Evaluate your own and 3 others.  Check off Problems 1-6 on wave worksheet and go over.  More on waves, including tension in a string.  Do problems 7-9 for Monday.  Final Draft of Spring Inquiry due Tues/Wed of next week.  Please submit your paper on as well as turning in a hard copy.  I will provide you with information on how to add this class in next week.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


SPARK Lecture on Monday 3/4 on Computer Science!  Room 169 at 3:30 pm.

  • Mon 3/4:  Take data for Pendulum Lab.  Turn in your project topic and 3 concepts you will do today if not already.
  • Tues/Wed 3/5-3/6:  Graph data for Pendulum Lab.  Send the LoggerPro graphs to yourself and then print them off (our mobile computers aren't set up to print).  Introduce Spring Inquiry.  Do pre-write for Spring Inquiry before next class (question, background, hypothesis, variables, materials, procedure, data table).
  • Thurs/Fri 3/7-3/8:  Take data for Spring Lab and then start processing.  Introduce waves and start wave problems.  2nd Draft of Spring Lab due Tues/Wed 3/12-3/13.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Answers to 7+8 Review Sheet (for Test Thurs/Fri)

1.  2.45 x 10^-8 N
2.  2.64 x 10^17 N
3.  37200 m/s
4.  7.53 m/s  (I should have given you equation for static friction, not kinetic, although they are the same)
5.  5.8 m/s
6.  9500 N
7.  4.3 N m
8.  0.305 m
9.  0.44 m
10.  18 kg m^2
11.  0.25 kg m^2/s
12.  25 kg m^2/s
13.  1.9 rad/s

Sunday, February 24, 2013


  • Mon 2/25:  Check off problems 14-16 on 7+8 problem worksheet and go over.  Sky Lab Videos.   Bicycle wheel and spinning platform demo.  Hand out 7+8 Review and work on it.  7+8 Test on Thurs/Fri.
  • Tues/Wed 2/26-2/27:  Questions on 7+8 Worksheet?  Start Simple Harmonic Motion.  Pendulum Lab.
  • Thurs/Fri 2/28-3/1:  Turn in 7+8 Review.  Take 7+8 Test.  Finish Pendulum Lab and find Master Equation.  Spring Inquiry Lab next week.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


  • Wed/Thurs 2/13-2/14:   Check off problems 1-8 and go over.  Introduce torque.  Finish Circular Motion Lab and turn in.  Problems 9-10 for Friday.  Start Torque Lab if time.
  • Fri 2/15:  Short Classes. Check off problems 9-10 and go over.  Introduce Newton's 2nd Law for rotational quantities.  Problems 11-13 for Tues/Wed.
  • Mon 2/18:  Presidents' Day.  No School.
  • Tues/Wed 2/19-2/20:  Check off problems 11-13 and go over.  Torque Lab.  Introduce Physics in Motion Project.
  • Thurs/Fri 2/21-2/22:  Conservation of Angular Motion.  Problems 14-17 for Monday.  Video from Skylab.  Research for Physics in Motion Project.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A brand new semester!

  • Mon 2/4:  Hand back final exams, check them over, and recollect.  Conservation of Momentum.  Problems 9-16 on Chapter 6 problems due Thurs/Fri.
  • Tues/Wed 2/5-2/6:  Conservation of Momentum w/ objects going opposite directions.  Ballistic Pendulum Quick Lab done one table at a time.  For those who finish early, go to Collision Lab Simulation on my website, do 5 different trials recording mass 1, velocity 1 initial, velocity 2 initial, mass 2, velocity 2 initial, and velocity 2 final.  You need to record the initial velocities before you press  "Play" then record the final velocities.  Finally, for each case, calculate the momentums, and see if momentum is conserved.
  • Thurs/Friday 2/7-2/8:  Check off problems 9-16 and go over.  Turn in Ballistic Pendulum Lab (neat, organized data table, uncertainty of height, and calculations for speed of ball and pendulum arm together, and speed of ball before it hit pendulum arm).  Elastic and inelastic collisions.  Newton's Cradle.  Explain centripetal acceleration and go over the equations for centripetal acceleration and centripetal force.  Do problems 1-5 on 7+8 problems for Mon/Tues.
  • Mon/Tues 2/11-2/12:  Check off problems 1-5 and go over.  Circular Motion Lab.  Universal Law of Gravitation.  Do problems 1-8 on 7+8 Worksheet for Wed/Thurs.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Final Exam Guidelines

1.Bring pencils, paper, calculator, and something to do quietly when you are done.  For this class you may also use a 4" x 6" (max size) note card with notes on both sides.  Remember that it needs to be hand-written and will be collected at the end of the test.
2.Go to restroom BEFORE the test!  No bathroom passes until after you are done, and then 1 at a time
3.NO CELL PHONES OUT PERIOD!!  Bring something else to do.
4.No talking until EVERYONE is finished.  This is basic courtesy to your classmates.
5.Cheating on any part of the test will result in a zero.  Don’t do it!

Finally, get enough rest, eat healthy food, and try not to stress too much about the test.  You will be okay!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Answers to Final Review

Chapters 1 and 2:
1.  18,000 m, 0.0000000034 kg, 0.0000042 s
2.  4.0 x 10^13
3.  3, 2, 6, 3
4.  500, 18, 45.92
5.  33 m/s, 144m
6.  9.90 m/s, 1.01 s

Chapters 3+4
1.  8.1 km at 30. degrees S of E
2.  20.0 m
3. 116 m at 56.0 degrees S of E
4.  1.58 s, 45.8 m
5. 478 N
6. 0.231

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Answers to 5+6 Review (for test on Thurs/Fri 1/24-1/25)

1.  35 J (or 40 2/ sig figs)
2.  4820 J
3.  3700 J
4.  -.196 J (the negative is debatable)
5.  -54 m/s
6.  560 W
7.  36 m/s west
8.  2.6 kg m/s
9.  -390 N, 0.13 meters

Sunday, January 13, 2013

1/14-2/1 (End of Semester)

We're getting down to the end of the semester!  This week we will do our Egg Drop and the next week we will take a short test on Chapter 5 and some of Chapter 6.  You will get a semester review this week to help you get ready for the final exam.  Finally, all late work and extra credit is due by Friday, January 25th.

  • Mon 1/14:  Check off problems 17-19 and go over.  Physics power.  Do problems 20-23 for Tues/Wed.
  • Tues/Wed 1/15-1/16:  Check off 20-23 and go over.  Impulse-Momentum Theorem and examples.  What is the significance of the yellow line at the front of a Tri-Met bus?  Do problems 1-7 on Chapter 6 worksheet.  Introduce Egg Drop Contest and do some preliminary work.
  • Thurs/Fri 1/17-1/18:  Check off problems.   30 minutes for work on Egg Drop, then go outside and drop them, and turn in Write-Up (to be described in future post).  Hand out 5+6 Review and Semester Review.
  • Mon 1/21:  Martin Luther King Day Holiday.
  • Tues/Wed 1/22-1/23:  Turn in Egg Drop Write-Up if not already.  Go over Chapter 5 and some 6.  Start going over Semester Review.  Short 5+6 Test on Thurs/Fri.
  • Thurs/Fri 1/24-1/25:  Turn in 5+6 Review.  Take 5+6 Short Test.   Go over Semester Review Problems.
  • Fri 1/25:  Deadline for late work and extra credit!!
  • Mon 1/28:  Full 8 Day.  Last minute questions on Final Exam.  How to calculate your goal percentage on Final Exam.
  • Tues-Thurs 1/29-1/31:  Final Exams!
  • Friday 2/1:  No School.  Teacher Work Day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Quick Lab: Is Energy Conserved? Due Thur/Fri 1/10-1/11 (can turn in Mon 1/14 on time)

Drop 2 different masses (coins) from 2 different heights and determine if energy is conserved. (that makes 4 conditions total)

1.  Make a neat, labeled data table: What do you need on it?
2.  Collect data (5 trials each:  then calculate average and uncertainty for trials)

3.  Do calculations: Vf, Pei, KEf (show work for 1 sample of each type)

4.  Is energy conserved?  Compare numbers directly and give reason for your answers.

5.  Discuss factors that contribute to uncertainty in data (solid paragraph).

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Week of 1/7-1/11

  • Mon 1/7/13:  Check off Problems 7-11 and go over.  Conservation of Mechanical Energy.  HW problems 12-16 for Tues/Wed, although you will get time to work on them.
  • Tues/Wed 1/8-1/9:  Questions on Homework?  Work time.  Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem.  Do problems 17-19.  Quick Lab:  Is Mechanical Energy Conserved?
  • Thurs/Fri 1/10-1/11:  Check off Probs 12-19 and go over.  Turn in Energy Conservation Quick Lab. What is Power?  Run the stairs and calculate your power.  HW probs 20-23.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! The Week of 1/2-1/4

  • Wed 1/2  (Full 8 Schedule):  Introduce the physics concept of work and how to apply it to problems. Do problems 1-5 on Work and Power problems for Thurs/Fri (#6 is extra credit).
  • Thur/Fri 1/3-1/4:  Check off problems and go over.  Introduce the concept of kinetic energy and potential energy.  Do problems 7-11 for Monday 1/7.